Mystery Bag #4
Mystery bag! The value of the items is written on the bag in the photo, but the price listed is the price you pay. Most mystery bags are 30-50% off of retail price. Mystery bags can contain items that have minor flaws, but all of them are fully functional and are completely useable. Minor flaws may be a very slight imperfect painting job before we glazed the piece, a glass cup that has a small printing flaw, a note pad that didn’t come in plastic packaging, a spoon rest that wasn’t the right size. I do not sell anything that has major or extremely noticeable or structural flaws. Mystery bags also can contain perfect products that we out in the bag for just the fun! A lot of times we’ll put hard to find items in them such as popular mugs etc. It can be anything we’ve ever had in the shop. All mystery bags have more than one item. No returns refunds or exchanges. You get what you get.